Thursday, February 13, 2020

Guys' Day!

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Three cheers for Guys' Day! Naturally, our Kitah Gimmel kiddos are happy, bouncy, caring and creative, so I'm sure you can imagine the excitement bubbling as we talked about and prepared for our special guests. 

"What does your dad do?" Morah Michelle asked the children. Here's what we got:

My daddy goes to work! He sits in a work house. - Emilia

He goes to work. He helps people. Daddy brings work pens from his house. He lets us draw with them - Liana

My daddy climbs trees and he gives shots at work. - Yael

He goes in physical perapies (therapy). He helps people walk! -Maya

My daddy plays with me and sometimes we play with the construction workers. - Hudson

My daddy works for Delta. - Leo

My daddy plays music -Hendrix
No, he MAKES music - Oliver
Actually, he fixes music - Hendrix

My daddy takes me to the new house. My daddy works! He wooorrks ... I don’t know. - Alex

My daddy works. - Gaia

Hey! I remember when me, mommy, and grandma went to visit daddy at his work building. He works on the top floor! - Sloane

He goes to the Chabad house! He works on the computer. -Riva

My daddy gives me lollipops - Raleigh

My daddy goes to a house and shoots (films). He sees the helicopter go up in the sky. - Oliver

He works on a 'puter. He brings his 'puter to his office so he can work. -Noam

My daddy has to do what he’s supposed to do at work. He gets messages from work. - Eric

He stays at work! He works on the computer with his friends - Basha

It's not every day our real life super heroes get to come for a visit, whether it be Dad, Mom, Grandparents or friends, KG yeledim are always thrilled to welcome new guests. Food is always a hit, and we chose to make opposite cupcakes: Vanilla with chocolate chips and chocolate chip with rainbow
Crack the eggs and check to see if they're kosher
Mix and mix and mix some more. 

Stir and wait, stir and wait.
The dragonflies made chocolate cupcakes
Patience and carefulness is my specialty!

We can take turns squeezing the batter into the tiny tins!
Yay for chocolate sprinkles!
Are they done yet?!
Check out our blog about building that highlights our Grandparent's Day Activity. Such complex structures arose, we just had to keep it going! For days, weeks and months we revisited the project, adding more to it, gluing them onto bigger boards and forming what we now call, The Busy City!!!
Here are some snapshots of the building that continued on from that day:
Basha glues and stacks!
Emilia adds more glue!
Maya likes to mix the glue
with the glitter!

Now it's time to show the guys to our classroom, we are ready to build and share snacks and time together! Show me the way!

Noam proudly leads his dad to the classroom.

We come together for circle time to talk about what makes
our children so special!
Hudson has the best convos with dad!

Hendrix adores his daddy, as you can see.

Riva's Bubby came from South Africa!
Riva's Tati also delighted her in a book!

Sloane and her daddy are adding green space!
 Noam describes the detail of his structure.
Alex named this place the Busy City?!

Leo and his dad, masterminds at work.

Liana, always focusing on the finer details while dad supports. 
Maya's deep thoughts. 

Eric and his mom cheerfully create together!

Gaia insists they make a little car!

Yaya's got her favorite color and guy by her side.

Oliver may or may not look just like his dad!

One of the best things we can give each other, our children especially, is connection. When we feel connected, we feel more willing and safe. Because we have this time together, our children are set up to know and feel that they are supported, heard, valued and loved.  Thank you, IJP Family, we are better together!

Coming Up: Trees for Tu B'shvat! (link coming soon)

"This is me and Micah, we play in the trees
and we live in this building.
I am on this side and he is on that side."

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