Friday, August 30, 2019

Snack Time in Kitah Alef

We've officially finished our first full week in Kitah Alef! So far, our new school year has been marked with excitement, a few growing pains, and an emphasis on learning new routines- many of them centering around responsibility, to ease the transition. It's important to us (Morah Chaya and Morah Lindsey) that the students feel engaged and invested in their new classroom, and one of our daily rituals is the perfect example of the many ways we've set out to encourage them in finding that ownership: snack time! 

Snack time is a Kitah Alef favorite! First, we wash our hands with soap, warm water, and a little scrub. 

Then, we ask each student to find their water bottle (already placed at their tables), and get seated. Then we feast; we're very lucky to have parents who bring fresh vegetables and fruits weekly (class favorites include blueberries, bananas, and tiny oranges), plus cheerios. While the students eat, each Morah has a ritual we like to do, which include songs and reading books. We sing "who is here today, who is here today, whos in school? Good morning to...", which is a song that names each child in the class, and also asks them to name their friends who aren't at school that day. "Whos not here today, whose not here today, whose at home, or on a trip?" A recent favorite book is Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? We make animal sounds together, and talk about the animals we've seen. 

Once students are finishing up, we sing another song that's especially helpful: "When you are finished with your snack, shake your plate in the garbage over there, come back and push in your chair". Then we ask the students to put their water bottles back in the class basket and stack their plates in the closet. Then it's time to play! 

After we shake our plates in the trash, we stack them in the closet, push in our chairs, place our water bottles in the class basket, and then it's time to play!

So far, Kitah Alef loves snack time, their friends and classmates, and it's shaping up to be a year of growth, play, and joy. 

Shabat Shalom to all!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Circle Time in Pre-Kitah Alef

Welcome to circle time in Pre-Kitah Alef! Circle time is an important part of our daily routine. It is a time in the day when we gather together and unite as a group. Our goals for circle time in its initial stages are to familiarize the children with the transition from cleaning up the classroom to coming together in a circle on the rug. It is a special time for us to interact with our class family as a whole and to introduce new concepts.

 After the toys are put away, the morahs sing: 
(Tune of "London Bridge")
"Circle time is starting now, 
starting now, starting now, 
Circle time is starting now, 
on the rug"
 and motion the children to join them on the circular rug. 
Our routine begins with a simple but engaging greeting song. We sing "Hello, Everyone" and then greet each child by name.
(Tune of "Skip to My Lou")
"Hello, everyone, how are you?
Hello, everyone, how are you?
Hello, everyone, how are you?
How are you today?!"

We continue with well-loved songs such as "The Wheels on the Bus," "ABCs," "Alef Bet," and "Torah, Torah." For children this age it is important to keep to age-appropriate time frames for the most success. We keep our circle time short, about 5-7 minutes, and sing the same songs in the same order for consistency. Children feel safe and empowered with consistent routines. Soon we will expand our repertoire to include morning tefilah (prayer) with Modeh Ani, washing our hands, and Shema. 

Sometimes we introduce props at circle time like puppets,  instruments and soft Torahs.

For the upcoming holiday of Rosh Hashana, we brought out different types of shofars (ram's horns) to feel and blow.
We like to end our list of songs with a very special one. Conscious Discipline emphasizes the positive impact that an individual feels when part of a group. We unite by holding hands and singing our Kitah Alef class family song.
(Tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb")
"We are a school family, family, family, 
We are a school family, here at IJP.
We are Kitah Alef, Alef, Alef,
We are Kitah Alef, say hi to a friend! (Hello! Hi!)
Morah's here to keep you safe, 
keep you safe, keep you safe,
Morah's here to keep you safe,
and your job is to help."

Just as we began our routine with a clear starting point, we end with clarity as well.
(Tune of "London Bridge")
"Circle time is over now, 
over now, over now,
Circle time is over now,
Let's wash our hands for lunch!" (or insert next activity)

Circle time is a wonderful way to promote routine, social connection, sensory experiences, music and rhythm, attention and focus, and Jewish values. We will continue to document our class's growth and change in this area as the year continues.