Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Make a Book (featuring Extended Day)

We love making books in Extended Day!

Sometimes we make them on our own.

Sometimes we make them as a group.

Each child makes their own part of the story.

Illustrating and bringing your words to life is magic.

It's also fun to write a story with a friend!

The best part is being able to read your story to others. 

So use your imagination and write your own story!

If you would like to share it:

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cutting and Collaging

Cutting builds the muscles in the hands and helps children develop their fine motor skills.
Below are some lines and patterns that are often used in Montessori classrooms to help children develop prewriting skills.

Cutting theses patterns will help children with their handwriting.

The shapes and lines mimic the shape of letters.

If you don't want to draw your own patterns their are several free printable ones online.

                        cutting box papers IMG_8158

Collect cuttings into a sensory bin. The children can continue to cut and tear the paper.
Tearing is also a great activity for fine and gross motor development.

When you are ready, glue the scraps onto a larger sheet of paper or cardboard to turn them into a beautiful collage!