Friday, December 13, 2019

Let's Build! Creating a Sense of Wonder through Construction, Play, and Friendship

In Kitah Gimmel, there is plenty of work to do. We have bolt machines turned to paint machines, moon mountains, and monster traps all under construction. With all helping hands on deck, sometimes two of us want to use the same material, or three of us have a different idea for the blueprints. Given these unique perspectives, it's natural when a disagreement arises. We stop, observe the situation, note the problem, decide whether it's safe or not safe, and assemble solutions! By openly discussing our various visions and how we would like to implement them, we build and strengthen our problem solving skills, communication abilities, and what it means to be a team player. What are innovative ways you construct solutions?

Whether they're building friendships or structures, the Kitah Gimmel Yeladim are getting creative with their masterpieces and helping each other grow along the way. Did you know that constructing and collaborating using various types of building materials fosters independent thinking and decision making? They're actually continuously challenging themselves and each other with endless 'What ifs', and 'I wonders', drawing a new and greater understanding of the world around them. 

We are so fortunate to have an Atelierista (art teacher), Morah Jessica, on staff! She shows us how we can expand our knowledge and building creativity using various materials. We had an excess of styrofoam on hand so we took the time to learn how to connect the pieces together using gold tees and wooden mallets, tape, bamboo skewers, and tooth picks!

Small world play consists of acting out real-life scenarios in a miniature play scene, created with small objects. Here children can learn life skills, turn taking, routines, processes, and much more. 

In light of all our in-class building, we had and idea to build with our special visitors who came for our Thanksgiving Feast! Given an array of wooden materials, glue, gemstones, and buttons our guests and master builders worked together to create detailed and elaborate pieces.

Following our special event, the children wanted to do more assembling of the wooden pieces. For days and weeks now, the structures are becoming more elaborate, friends are working together and we are creating our very own BUSY TOWN (named by Alex). You can read more about it in our next blog!

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