Thursday, August 20, 2020

Kitah Alef and Kitah Bet's Coming to School Book!

Summer is over and we have begun school at IJP. At school we will learn, work and play!

 When we come to school in the morning my morah is waiting at the door. She smiles at me and says, “Good morning!” I say goodbye to my family and say hello to my friends. Morah checks my temperature to make sure I am healthy and sprays both my hands with hand sanitizer.

When we come in the classroom, the first thing we do is find our Safe Keeper from the basket with our picture on it to sign into school.

Then we choose a way we would like to be greeted. A smile. wave or a high five! 

During our morning circle time, we use our Safe Keepers to sing “Who is here today, who is here today, who's in school who's in school? Good morning to ______, you're in school!” and we wish our friends who are at home well. "We wish you well, we wish you well, all day long today, we wish you well!"

We also have another circle time where we sing Tefilah songs. We start our circle time with our Happy Flower breathing buddy. We say, "Lets say hello to happy flower, he helps us feel calm. Smile- Cheese, Take a deep breath, and Relax! While breathing out from our nose. Then we sing our tefilah songs! 

Our classroom is the space where we will work and play, along with our friends. We will do lots of activities during the day like singing songs, reading stories, and playing pretend. 

 Hanging up in the library is all of our friend's family pictures. We like to show our friends our families and look at our friend's pictures too! This helps us strengthen our school community.

This is the space where we eat our snack and lunch. We also use this room for art.

Some spaces at school are own - like our cubby, where we hang our jackets and backpacks. 

We have a playground for learning outside. We share the playground with all of the classes at IJP. Outside we can dig and swing, run and climb. There are endless spaces to explore!


Morah Chaya and Morah Eze are my Morahs; they will keep me safe and take care of me while I am at school. If I need help while I am at school, they will help me.

When the school day is over, we go to carpool and wait for Mommy and  Daddy and say goodbye to school until the next day!





Tuesday, August 4, 2020

KDH Outings-Nature Observations

On fridays KDH goes on outings. This time we chose to walk to the end of Cooledge. On the walk the children noticed the gardens in bloom.

“That flower, the petals are going down instead of up.”- Daniel

Once we reached the end of the street, we took a snack and water break. 

The children talked about what they saw on the way.

“I thought palm trees grow just in Florida!”- Parker

After snack we walked back to an elaborate garden, sat on the sidewalk in front of it, and then drew their favorite part of the walk.

Many children drew a plant, one drew a house, and another wrote his thoughts about a hand made gate. 

“Look, this plant is bigger than me!”- Mason

“There are a lot of trees that look like they are supposed to be at the beach.”- Gabi

“The purple flower was bigger than me and I loved it because my favorite color is purple!”- Haley 

“I liked the gate. It was shaped beautiful like it was made by a very good creator.” - Ben

Before heading back to school, a kind neighbor told the children that they could take some rocks and shells from his driveway. Thank you new friend!

The children really enjoyed this trip! Next we will scoot down the beltline to Chabad!