Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Extended Day

Just as the regular school day ends, continued exploration in Extended Day begins. Using our yellow telephone we dial up our favorite people and tell them about our day. Following the Reggio philosophy I listen to the children's words, spoken and unspoken to decide our next activity. This week we were led to the book "The Artist That Painted a Blue Horse" by Eric Carle. This colorful book takes us on an adventure of an artist who paints animals. This book has sparked an interest in the children to also paint like an artist. Noticing the various textures of the art in the book, the children painted not only with paint brushes but also with toothbrushes and bath loofahs that we had set out. We created textures in our paintings to later use to make our own animals. Max's eyes lit up as he painted with the toothbrush, he said, "Morah Elle, I want to paint with the cool toothbrush."

Discovering the different textures by painting with different mediums, has ignited an interested in the children to paint with other tools that they typically would not use.  We will continue exploring other methods of painting.  This is an almost never ending journey.  We will enjoy the ride.

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Morah Elle

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