Thursday, July 29, 2021

IJP Camp's Mitzvah Projects!

 While we have been spending the summer splishing, splashing, painting, digging and exploring, we have also been looking for ways to give back to our school family and the community at large. Each class has chosen a Mitzvah Project inspired by the children's ideas.

KA/KB is all about hydration! The children regularly volunteer to help carry the water bottle basket to and from the playground, and even like to hand the bottles to their rightful owners. That's helpful and thoughtful!
They also extended our morning juicing activity into a show of appreciation for the operations staff here at IJP. After squeezing the fruit in our fruit presses, they added some water and sugar and delivered drinks and thank you notes to Morah Elie, Morah Rena and our security guard Cornel!
KB has been busily beading all summer long. They used their beading skills to benefit others by making bracelets and necklaces to brighten the day for residents of a retirement center.
KG and KD embarked on a baking adventure by making delicious chocolate chip cookies and giant thank you cards for Mr. Jonathan, Mr. James, and Cornel who help keep our school safe and well-maintained.
Our oldest class kept the greater community in mind as they brought their Mitzvah Project to Trader Joe's to do some shopping for a local food service program. They took their cash and their shopping list and purchased non-perishable items to be distributed to people in need.

Here's to many more mitzvahs!

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