Monday, November 13, 2017

Peer to Peer Parsha in KDH

In IJP teachers and children explore and learn side by side. Teachers can be students and students can be teachers. Families are partners in the IJP experience. 
Every week, a KDH student presents Parsha to the class. This is truly a paradigm of parents, children and teachers working together, an essential ingredient in a Reggio inspired school.

Pearl was brave enough to be the first presenter, the week of Parshat Lech Lecha. Pearl, with her mother observing, told the children the story. Avraham travels through a desert, traveling to Israel, then down to Egypt and back. Hashem tells Avraham that he will have many children, as many as the stars in the Heavens. We are all children of Avraham, our forefather.  Even though Pearl only had to cover one topic, she tried to teach us as much as possible!!! Desert and Galaxy tray activities and art, making walking sticks with branches and yarn kept us busy for a few days. Some of these are hanging up in our classroom now. Pearl connected Parsha to her summer travels to the deserts in the Western United States and told us about the abundance of sand in the desert. 


Imagine our excitement the next week when Evan came in on Tuesday with a tent, a handout and snacks! What did that have to do with Parshat Vayera? Avraham lives in a tent with doors on the North, South, East and West, so that people can come in from every direction. He sits outside his tent waiting for travelers who need a place to eat and rest. Evan told us all about Avraham and the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim/inviting guests. Evan gave everyone the handout with a question for us to think about, and the opportunity to draw Avraham's tent. Evan served us all cake and drinks, just like Avraham served his guests. Finally, all the children took turns sitting in the tent.Thanks, Evan and Mom and Dad for helping Evan prepare.

Last week was Maddy's turn to teach Parsha. Maddy taught that Avraham asked Eliezer to find a wife for his son,Yitzchak. Rivka, was chosen because she was very kind. She gave water to Eliezer and all of his camels. Do you know how much camels drink? They can drink 30 gallons of water at one time. Eliezer had 10 camels, and Rivka drew water from the well for all of them! Do the math! 
Maddy gave us all the summary with a question, "What have you done that is kind? How did that make you feel? How did that make the person you did if for, feel? Maddy, very kindly, assured us all, "Do not worry if you mess up your drawing. I brought extras."

Each week, we teachers watch in awe as the children teach the Parsha with confidence and poise. Their peers listen intently and take it all in! It is so empowering for the children to be "the teachers."Thank you parents for guiding your children in this endeavor!

Morah Ruth
Morah Sara

1 comment:

  1. I love this--the children have grown in so many ways--it's a real pleasure reading this! Susan
