Thursday, April 23, 2020

Make Your Own Obstacle Course (featuring Extended Day)

Rainy days at Intown Jewish Preschool can often be difficult for the children. Not being able to run around and climb outside often leads to cabin fever. They want to move their bodies and are in need of Gross Motor play. This is why we often set up obstacle courses in our big classroom upstairs. 

We have all kinds of mats, soft wedges and cubes and other shapes for climbing, a tunnel, and even a mini trampoline. 

The children enjoy setting up their own courses and have have added their own bridges and structures, building them with our large blocks.

An obstacle course is a great way to break up the day and provide another option for physical activity.

An obstacle course allows the children to utilize their imagination as well as critical thinking and problem solving skills.

When building your obstacle course at home you may have to think outside the box, since you may not have the same materials that we have at school.

Items from around the house can be used in a new way! 

Do you have a wobbly seat?

Or a beach ball?

Use pillows as stepping stones.

A table can become a tunnel.

Crawl on a road of bubble wrap!

Escape through a maze of painter's tape.

Most importantly, share your obstacle course with the IJP family!

-Morah Jessica

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