Thursday, October 10, 2019

Sukkot in PKA

We are seeing green and yellow as we're preparing for the upcoming holiday of Sukkot! Here are some of the ways we've integrated the themes of the chag in our activities.

On Sukkot we build a sukkah, a hut, with leaves and branches instead of a roof. We also shake a lulav, which is comprised of different types of branches and leaves.

We brought branches into our art experience by using them as paint brushes! The prickly texture made for an interesting feel and design on our papers.
 When it was dry, we added another dimension by stamping with a sponge into yellow paint, just like an etrog. 
They're now adorning our cubby area!
At circle time we introduced our plush lulav and etrog and demonstrated how we shake it all around. Then everyone got a turn!
 In our classroom we are integrating Sukkot with a new sensory bin filled with yellow and green materials. There are leaves, sensory bottles, sponges, honey bears, blocks and our lulav and etrog set. 
We also have new green playdough! The children love to gather around the table as Morah Shahla gives everyone a piece and attaches meaning to her motions - we can make a ball, we can press it flat, we can even make a sukkah!
 Bang, bang! We've been working hard building our mini classroom sukkahs. On sukkot many people will sit in a sukkah that they built with tools and different materials.
 Many people hang decorations in their sukkahs. We made sukkah decorations with Morah Jessica by painting pine cones, fabric and branches, which were then tied together.
 Another Sukkot art we did was to experiment with glue. We brushed glue onto scrapbook paper (and our fingers!) and then chose different green shapes and brown popsicle sicks to stick on top.
 Chag Sameach!

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