Thursday, July 18, 2019

Siyyum Night - Kitah Gimmel 2019

We all know how precious our time together is in the classroom during these early years of life. What we do best in Kitah Gimmel, to be completely honest, is spending time together, honoring the moment while creating meaningful learning experiences out of them.  There's not doubt about it that we learn a lot too, mostly about the world around us and the Jewish faith, mainly by asking questions and observing what everyone is interested in.  We knew that inviting people would be special so we began the discussion. When we asked the children what they wanted to show our visitors, we got an overwhelming response of, "Our classroom!" With that, we went to work picking out and showcasing a few of our favorite projects throughout the year. Since we thrive in a community full of art, we are always being inspired by whats happening in our neighborhood. This year a few of the families and friends of IJP were lucky enough to see the Japanese contempory artist, Yayoi Kusama's Infinity Mirrors exhibit at the High Museum of Atlanta. The really cool part about it was that we were looking into reflections and talking about color splashes and the mixing of dots from the very beginning of this school year.  Mirrors, dots, splashes of color, reflections both physical and spiritual, perefect! We got this!

Books that tied into our theme weren't hard to find. We are always talking about how to best help our friends and family and celebrating mitzvahs throughout the year. Here's a book all about helping others who might not have enough to get by.

We like to keep children interested, happy and engaged so we let each child help where he or she saw fit. Some helped with planning, while others made art, some drew pictures and wrote buzz words fro our classroom tables and mobiles.

Leora and Yonah are carefully cutting strips of white paper to cover the walls. 
Mason and Parker are challenging each other to meet in the middle here.

Look at Liav and Mason working together to paint our white stool even whiter!

Orli and Lev do not want to get paint on their shoes so they're standing back and leaning in. 

Margot and Elliot were pretending to be painting horses. 
Leora and Asher are looking at all of the angles.

Adom is checking out our new mirror and light table.

Margot, Leora, Sela and Elliot are making a sign for our classroom. 

Sam and Adom were among the first few to test out the dot area in the painter's porch. 

Yonah and Parker are getting the dot stickers ready. 

Gavi and Asher are painting pendants for decoration and necklaces. 

Here are a few of the necklaces we made for all of our guests. 

Cubby Art + necklaces made out of tile samples!
Erez is painting the frame white for our infinity mirror experience. 

Orli is helping Morah hand the reflective paper on the walls.

~Check out our small world trays and sensory activities~

Dots and Dots!
Space tray - dots and reflective stars.

~Infinity Mirrors~

~The Dot (Obliteration) Room~

Then, finally, we realize that we finished just the way we started. Below is the project that the parents and the students created at the very beginning of the school year. Notice we have mirrors and dots big and small!

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