Sunday, January 20, 2019

Special Guys in KDH

What do we know about the guys who are special to the KDH children?

This is what we found out upon inquiring from the children.
Our guys range in age from 18 to 50.
Challah, chicken and chicken soup are popular foods.  Pizza, bananas, chili, cucumbers and salmon are other favorites. A dad on a diet favors brussel sprouts. Liquor is a favorite drink.
Our guys tell jokes and tickle the children to make them laugh.
At work our guys go to meetings, speak to people, teach classes, work on computers, rent houses, build, talk on the phone and try to get money!
What is it about these guys that the children would like to do when they grow up? Go to work, drive cars, have computers, be a mad scientist, go to shul, have meetings, build, and cook. What was the most heart warming aspiration? I want to have kids like my dad did!
The children love spending time with their dads exercising, coming to school, playing games, reading books, getting surprises, taking out the garbage, going to Catch-Air, riding bikes, and painting together.

Besides for sharing their feelings, the children prepared for the special morning. They used line drawing and pointillism to design ties for the guys. They baked blue berry muffins to serve. Thanks to special guy, Ian Mendelson for sponsoring, purchasing and preparing the wooden cars and wheels for everyone to make a fancy vehicle.


The children wrote a card for Avraham Chaim who was home recuperating and Logan and his dad built a car for him. Kudos for doing the mitzvah of Bikur Cholim.

A fun morning was had by all!

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