Thursday, January 10, 2019

KDH student teachers continue Sefer Beraishit

Parshat Toldot

Sylvia came in the morning of her turn ready to teach Parsha on her own. She told her parents that she could do it herself!

We took our seats around the tables and Sylvia stood up in front of us. She showed us the drawings of Yaakov and Eisav and Rivkah that she had drawn to use to teach us.

Yitzchak and Rivka had twins, Yaakov and Eisav. Yaakov loved to learn Torah and Eisav was a hunter. On the day that Grandfather Avraham passed away, Eisav came in from the field vrey hungry. Yaakov was cooking red lentil soup, a mourner's food, for his father, Yitzchak. Eisav and sold his firstborn birthright to Yaakov for a bowl of red lentil soup. 
Before the end of his life, Yitchak called in Eisav and asked him to prepare a meal so that that he could bless him. Rivka heard this and quickly called in Yaakov. Rivka prepared a meal and put animal fur on Yaakov to make him feel hairy like Eisav.  Yitzchak gave the main blessing to Yaakov. Eisav was very upset.
Sylvia gave us coloring pages to take home and color. Thank you Sylvia.

Parshat Vayaitzay
Gabi came in with his parents with a Parsha book, art supplies and a pillow for everyone. We sat down on our lily pads and Gabi and his mom taught us the Parsha. Yaakov had to run away from Eisav. He stopped overnight and put twelve rocks around his head as a pillow. Each rock wanted the tzaddik Yaakov to lay on him. The rocks became one large rock.

Yaakov dreamed that he saw a ladder going up from the ground to the heavens. The angels who had accompanied him in Eretz Yisroel were going back up and Hashem was sending angels for outside the land to accompany him. Yaakov woke up and realized he was in a holy place, the site of the future Beit Hamikdash.

Gabi asked us to sit at the tables. Gabi's mom and dad gave us each a piece of felt to cut out rocks. We decorated the rocks with glitter glue. Next, everyone was given a pillow. Gabi's father glued the rocks onto the pillow. We waited overnight for the glue to dry. We were very excited to take the pillows home for Shabbat and share the parsha with our families.

Thank you Gabi, Ariella and Jacob!!! We will definitely remember Parshat Vayaitzay

Parshat Vayeishev
Eli Sollish brought in bags of supplies when he arrived in the morning. His mother came in as we were finishing lunch to help Eli teach us the parsha. Eli took out his Yosef wearing a coat of many colors/the kesonet passim that his father Yaakov had given to him.
Yosef had two dreams in which his parents and siblings, the shevatim/tribes were bowing down to him. Yosef's brothers were not pleased with this. They sold Yosef and eventually Yosef was brought down to d Mitzrayim/Egypt. He was the head of the prime minister's household but because of the prime minister's wife, Yosef was put in jail.

After hearing the parsha we sat down to make our own Yosef. We glued colored tissue paper. buttons and googly eyes onto a cardboard person. Wow, what a great way to make Yosef! Thank you to Eli and Morah Leah, the children's Morah in Kitah Bet!

Parshat  Miketz
Eliza's mom came in to teach Parsha to us together with Eliza.
While Yosef was in jail he interpreted the dreams of King Paroh's baker and butler. The butler is returned to his job in the palace. Two years later King Paroh wakes up after having two dreams. He dreams of seven fat cows who are eaten by seven skinny cows, the cows remain emaciated. Then he dreams of seven bundles of  healthy robust wheat that are devoured by seven thin ears of grain and remain thin.  The king wants an explanation. The butler remembers Yosef. Yosef is cleaned up and brought before Paroh.
He interprets the dreams with Hashem's help. Yosef tells Paroh that there will be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. He advises Paroh to build silos and store houses during the good years to prepare for the lean years. Yosef becomes the second to the king, ruling over Egypt.

Eliza and her mom taught us the Parsha, using My First Parsha reader. Then we were given pictures to color. Eliza also prepared a thought provoking question for us to answer and illustrate. 
Yosef helped Paroh solve a problem. Have you ever helped someone solve a problem?

Thank you Eliza and Shayna for teaching us Parsha and giving us something extra to think about.

Parshat Vayigash
Shayan's mother came in with a maze for all of us to try to do. Why a maze? How does that a maze connect to the Parsha? We sat down to listen to Shayan and his mother teach us the Parsha. Yosef's brothers travel to Egypt to buy food. They are taken to the palace of Yosef. Yosef finally reveals himself to this brothers. They are very sorry for how they had treated him. They realize that he was correct and he did become a ruler. Yosef forgives them and the brothers travel back to Eretz Yisroel to bring Yaakov and the entire family to come live in Mitzrayim/Egypt.

So why a maze? Yosef's brothers traveled a lot and it was not always simple, to get food for the family during the famine and to find Yosef. A maze can be difficult to get through, and reminds us of their travels.
Thank you to Shayan and mom for such a creative way to aid us in learning and remembering the Parsha. Mazes are a great activity.

Parshat Vayechi
Dalia and her family were excited to teach us Parshat Vayechi. Dalia's dad had read that Torah portion on his bar mitzvah.
Dalia and her father taught us that Yaakov blessed all his sons and spoke of their special traits. We were given a coloring sheet with a picture of all the sons/tribes' symbols.


Next, Dalia's dad showed us a puzzle map of Israel. Each child was given a puzzle piece to color. Everyone put their puzzle piece on the map.We were reminded that when we are unified and work together, life will be good for us in the land of Israel!

Thank you Dalia and family for teaching us about Parshat Vayechi  in such a creative manner!

Parshat Vayechi is the last Torah portion in the Book of Beraishit.  We sang
Chazak Chazak V'Nischazek! Let us be stronger to learn more Torah.

At Shabbat party we celebrated our finishing Sefer Beraishit with a siyum!

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