Monday, January 28, 2019

A Day in the Life of a KG Butterfly

On a cold, breezy day in January we decided to miss the cold and enjoy our classroom a little bit longer. And we are SO glad we did. While we often have impromptu weddings, this one was special.  Everyone had a role that they so casually fell into and played through to the end. What a treat to be able to sit back and witness these children planning, negotiating, preparing, and executing their engaging imaginative play.

Upon arrival, Lily just knew she would get married.  She dressed for the event and she awaited her groom.  Little did Lily know, Parker wanted to be a ninja turtle that day and wasn't interested in marrying Lily today.  Lily was a little disappointed so she sat her chair in the middle of the room to really think about what she was going to do next. "I'm going to get married today!" she said as she got into her cardboard box car and drove off.

While Parker and Liav were sliding across the floor on their knees, Yonah saw Lily looking for a groom.  In his construction worker attire, he agreed to be the groom in the wedding.  Now that we have a wedding, it's time to prepare and put it into action; that's where our wedding coordinator, Leora comes in.  She began prepping the bride and commissioned Asher and Yonah to begin making invitations. 

"The wedding starts at 300 o'clock," Yonah said. "No, it actually starts at 100 o'clock," insisted Parker then added, "Liav and I are hanging decorations on the wall."

Of course we needed music, so Liav and Asher grabbed some instruments and began to jam.

Lucky for Yonah, Morah Cree has her driver's license and was able to deliver him safely to the wedding in the box car. The bride and coordinator were hard at work with the seating arrangements. All of the guests promptly sat down on their designated navy blue dots and the wedding quickly began.

With joy, everyone danced and sang Hava Nagila!

Lily, being the host that she is, delightfully served everyone tea as the wedding had come to a close.

The children sat and talked about what he/she did in the wedding, all so proud of the contributions and eager to do it over and over! Here's to many more successful weddings in Kitah Gimmel.  

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