Wednesday, October 31, 2018

KDH "Student Teachers"

KDH was excited to begin the "Student Teacher" Parsha exploration. Each week one of the children prepare something about the Parsha/weekly portion with their parents and present it to the class. 

Parshat Vayaira
Menny came in with his mother, Morah Shoshi, last Wednesday, carrying a nylon bag and a shopping bag. What did he bring? We went outside enjoying the early morning sunshine. Menny took out a tent for all of us to assemble. Why a tent? We all sat inside together with some Kitah Aleph children while Menny read from his Parsha book. He explained to us that Avraham had a tent with doors on all sides. He sat outside even in the extreme heat, when he was recuperating from his Bris, looking for guests. Menny chose three of his classmates to act out being the three angels who came to visit Avraham. 

Menny served everyone hot cocoa, wafers and clementines to show us how to do the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim/inviting guests.

On Thursday, Menny put Parsha pictures into everyone's Erev Shabbat bag to take home and tell the Parsha to their families.  Thank you Menny!


Parshat Chayei Sara
Yesterday, Maddy came in carrying a box filled with small ziploc bags that were filled with colorful popsicle sticks, toilet paper rolls, and disposable whiskey cups attached to a string. We peeked inside the box and found a well that Maddy and her mom had made at home. The bags were kits for each child to design a well. 
After tefilla, Maddy took out one of the Parsha picture pages that she had brought in. She showed us the pictures and told us that Avraham sent his servant Eliezer to find a wife for Yitzchak. Eliezer had ten camels filled with gifts for Yitzchak's future wife. Eliezer stopped at a well and Rivka came out and offered to give Eliezer and all of his camels water. That was a huge kindness! Rivka agreed to go with Eliezer to become Yitzchak's wife. 

We all sat down around the tables and Maddy gave us instructions on how to construct the well. 
Everyone is looking forward to taking home their wells and Parsha pages to share with their families. 
Thank you, Maddy!!

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