Thursday, July 26, 2018

Continuing our journey with food

Our classroom was buzzing with excitement as we prepared for our prepared for our bracha party! Kita Gimmel had learned about food all summer; where it comes from, how to prepare it, how to use food creatively, and finally, which bracha to make on each food that they eat!! We invited Kita Bet and Kita Daled Hay to join us and set up tables for everyone in our classroom so that they could celebrate with us. Kita Gimmel friends taught everyone the Bracha song which reminds us to thank Hashem for our food and of the correct bracha to say for each category of food. From youngest to oldest, each class was assigned to lead the rest of the room in their bracha and everyone else answered with a resounding Amen! Kita Gimmel pointed out the foods on the table that they could enjoy as each individual bracha was said. Then they got to enjoy all the delicious treats Kita Gimmel friends had set out for them! A yummy and glorious way to celebrate their knowledge!

 At the same time, Kita Gimmel friends were hard at work preparing their culmination project of spice making. What a journey it has been! The children picked rosemary from our IJP rosemary bush and then put it in a brown paper bag to dry. Every day they would shake it to listen for the rustling sounds that meant it was dry enough to use.
The children then explored garlic. They peeled the garlic by putting it into glass jars and shaking it all around. They were astounded to see the peels just pop off!
"Slippery and smooth" were Emmett's feelings.
" So stinky!" said Maddy and Shane agreed!
" I don't wan to smell it!" were Gabi's general sentiments, but even he couldn't resist taking a try at peeling it! 
Brave Kita Gimmel friends removed whatever peel was still left. Others lay the garlic on a baking sheet and put it in the oven to bake. It took a long time and lots of "peeks' to see if it was ready, but by end of the day it was finally baked through and crunchy! Now it was time to grind it into garlic powder. This was a task they all enjoyed! using a mortar an pestle the children took turns grinding the garlic and while they were at it, they also ground sea salt into fine granules. 

Kita Gimmel watched the transformation carefully and then were introduced to pepper. Using a pepper mill for the grinding, the children were amazed to see "real pepper" come out! It even smelled like real pepper! Ahhhchooo!
We realized that we now need almost enough spices for a whole meal. So meal. So we set about making a menu:
 Rosemary chicken/fish... just add lemon juice and olive oil for a delectable dish...
Gently spices potatoes...perfect to compliment our main dish...
Salad with toppings... to complete our meal!
But wait! We need seeds!
Kita Gimmel worked together to open sunflower seeds. They helped their friends and gave each other tips on the best way to crack open the seeds without breaking the seed inside. Cooperatively they finally filled the bowl.

Now it was time to make our spice mixes. Given general instruction, the children used a funnel to pour their desired amount of each spice into their respective spice jars.
They spoke excited among themselves about how proud and happy their parent were going to be when they cooked with the spices that THEY, Kita Gimmel, made all by themselves!! And we know they're right!!
B'tayavon! Enjoy!!

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