Thursday, September 1, 2016

Music Love in KB-5

We have had such a great first week together in Kitah Bet!
From the first few days alone, we have learned something special about Kitah Bet- Kitah Bet loves music!

The first thing many of the children in Kitah Bet did when we went outside for outdoor play is run over to the music wall, and start drumming, banging, and singing.
The children explored the different sound that was made from drumming each different object that was on the wall, or the other music area.

Menny and Levi started off using the sticks that were connected to the wall to make their music, but they soon after made a discovery. They realized that other items can also be used to create music from the objects on the wall, so they went and collected sticks from the yard and used those to bang and make music! 

Additionally, the children get so excited when we sit down on our rug for morning circle, Tefillah circle, and goodbye circle. They already know their designated spots on the rug, and excitedly sit down and sing along to all the songs. Some songs we've been singing are "Where is Thumbkin"- just in Hebrew! The "Friends 
Song", and of course Modeh Ani, Little Torah, and Shema. 

We can't wait to explore more with music, and see which other methods we can explore it with. 

(We also can't wait until Music with Morah Adina starts again on Fridays as well, which is always a treat!)

Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Estee and Morah Leah 

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