Thursday, March 17, 2016

Ivrit fun- Extended day

We always have fun at Ivrit on Mondays!
We start off by having circle time, where we sing the Alef Bet song, and introduce the new letter. We talk about the sound the letter makes, words that start with that sound, and if there is anyone we know that starts with that letter.

Here Henia holds up the letter Hey- for Henia!

We also make our bodies into the shape of the letter of the week.
Can you see us all stretching our bodies to make the letter Tes? Yoga on Tuesdays comes in handy for this!

We love going through all the colors in Ivrit that we already know, like Adom (red), Kachol (blue) etc, and we stand up if we are wearing that color. We talk about the Mezeg Avir (weather) and if there is Geshem (rain) Shemesh (sun) or Ananim (clouds). Singing songs is always fun and we especially love "Yadayim Lemalah Al Harosh", when we do it speedy fast!

Yadayim Lamalah Al Harosh! (Put your hands up, then on your head!)
Now its activity time! All the Yeladim head to the tables where there are different trays set out, along with floor puzzles, games and art. The art table is always a favorite, and we decorate the letter of the week with something that corresponds to that letter.

Decorating our Mems to look like Mayim (water)

Leiba traces letters with popsicle sticks, while Levi matches the letter with the picture.

Shaya is building a Bet with blocks

Alef Bet adventure! A favorite game to play with a group of friends

Dovid is putting the Alef Bet blocks in the correct compartment.

Chana traced her name in the sand!

Play-doh shaped Alef Bet is very popular.

Check out that colorful final mem!

Mina loves tracing the letters Alef- Nun.
Look! I made a zayin in the sand!

Leiba wanted to sing the Alef Bet song one more time!

Levis name on the magnet board

Making a ziggly zayin out of blocks.

Lewis is making an Alef with pattern blocks. He is using lots of concentration!

Elijah made the letter bet with the puzzle stix!
And we always make sure to take a picture of us making our bodies into the letter of the week. Here Jules, Leiba, Noa and Shaya make the letter Tes.
 Ask your yeladim about the words they learned and the letters they come home with. They will always have a sticker labeling them, with a word that the letter starts with!

Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Mussy

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