Thursday, January 21, 2016

Our Dads by KDH

One of the favorite activities each year is Dad's Day at IJP. The children bake something to serve their dads and answer a questionnaire about them. We learn many interesting things about our Dads.

How old are they? They range in age from 13 to 84.
What are their favorite foods? We have vegans who like spinach, radishes and bananas, and carnivores who like chicken, meatballs and steak.
What are they really good at? Important things like holding babies, changing batteries, washing dishes, typing, playing chess and fixing things.
What do our dads do at work? They make money, help people who are sick, make videos, work on the computer, and write books.
When the children grow up they want to be like their dads. They want to get a job helping people, give people treats, have babies and push them in a stroller, have children, bake steak, be tall, go to weddings, and drive!
Our dads love us. How do we know? They do everything for us, they tell us, "I love you, " They give us lots of hugs and kisses, they take care of us, they help us. We found out too, that one dad loves his children, "because he has a heart!"

Thanks to Justine and Robin for purchasing the car kits, low heat glue guns and cutting up the wood for the project. Each car is unique and a treasure to play with and keep.

We end the morning off with a circle time. 

Thanks Dads for coming in!! We love you!

Morah Ruth
Morah Sara

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