Wednesday, December 16, 2015

KDH Makes Chanukah Party Decorations

KDH was chosen to set up and decorate the big room for the IJP Chanukah party. We brainstormed about how to decorate. Should we should paint fancy tablecloths? How about centerpieces? We decided that would not really show up with all the things that needed to be on the tables. Then we came up with an idea. Why not paint candles and hang them up. That would be festive. 

Reyn's mom, Justine, came in and drew the candles for us on rolls of paper. We chose bright paint colors and went to work. Everyone worked together to paint the candles. We carried them up the hill and lay them out to dry. The next morning Justine came back and we continued. The children cut out the candles and we hung them up.

 Wow! How beautiful!!

Justine suggested that we save the paper plates that we used to put the paint on when we painted. That was a great idea. Look at this bulletin board that we now have.
Thanks Justine!!

Morah Ruth 
Morah Sara

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