Thursday, February 19, 2015

Shapes and Colors -Kitah Alef

 The weather has been quite cold. Kitah Alef has been spending more time inside. The children are always asking to draw. We covered the table and put out as many crayons and colored pencils as we could find.
 Morah Myriam drew circles on the paper. "Look it's a circle." - Morah Myriam. Ezra: "Circle." Our friends in Kitah Alef are recognizing many of the shapes and almost all of the colors. "What color is this?" asks Morah Mushkie holding up a blue crayon. Sammy: "Blue!" Other children repeat after Sammy. Morah Myriam: "Who is wearing blue today?" Caleb - "Me!"
 Holding the colored pencils and crayons is great for developing their grip and practicing writing. Sometimes we have dry erase markers and we draw on our white board. Kitah Alef is great at taking turns, even if sometimes its hard to wait.
 Purim is just around the corner. Today we danced in a circle and sang "Mishe Nichnas Adar" - Happy Rosh Chodesh!

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