Thursday, January 22, 2015

Magnets in KDH

KDH loves the new magnatiles that we have in our classroom. Magnets themselves are always interesting. We keep magnet rods in our science center all the time. Yesterday while playing, Amitai showed us that his kipah clip was sticking to a magnatile. He discovered that his clip was magnetic.What a good day to have chosen magnets as the topic of Show and Tell.
As we often do when we introduce a topic or want to delve deeper, we start by asking the children what they know. Show and Tell was to be a hands on way of seeing and hearing about magnets from the children.
This is what we found out:
Magnets have a North and South. North and South attract each other. North and North repel. South and South repel. Thank you Eli for showing us this.

Magnets attract through paper. Thank you Cassidy for your magnet trick and Layla, Mia and Motty for bringing in magnetic books and games that also were based on this concept.
Magnets attract through plastic. Libi, we can't wait to have your game in our center for everyone to try.
Magnets are used in toys that we love to play with. Thanks Sholom, Josie for showing us your toys.
We draw and "write" with magnets. Thank you Ziva for sharing your magnadoodle with us.
A strong magnet will make the steel bolts attracted to it into temporary magnets. Thanks Perly and Bryna.
We love to have magnets on our refrigerators to decorate and hold up papers. Thank you Kemp, Adaya and Mia.
We also use magnets to learn our aleph bet. Thank you Amitai, Luba and Mina.
We are looking forward to a lot more learning and playing with magnets!

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