Friday, November 14, 2014

Thanksgiving in Kitah Gimmel

Emergent curriculum is about constantly evolving in response to our children’s changing needs and interests.  We as educators plan a thoughtful curriculum based on the needs of the classroom and as well as what we think would capture their interest and challenge them.  There are always turns along the way….
 We started our conversation about Thanksgiving – we went outside by one of our wooden ships (which has now become known as the Mayflower) and we told and acted the story of the unhappiness of the Pilgrims, their purposeful trip over the big, wide ocean to a new world (for them).  They were in a new land which was nothing like what they knew and with new and very different people then themselves.  We talked a lot of friendship and bravery.  The children became Pilgrims on the Mayflower, they walked off the ramp and had excited faces and scary faces too looking around “this new world” and new people.   “Where could the Pilgrims live?  What would they eat?  Where would they go to school?” were asked.   “We need tools to build now!”  and a cheer went up and ALL immediately needed a tool to start to build what was needed. Now, this was the new route they wanted to head towards  and Morah Debby and I understood and flowed with it.  We borrowed tools from Kitah Bet (thank you!) and started to build what the Pilgrims needed.  Teamwork and community was built then!  Afterwards, the tools came back with us into our classroom and have become an integral part of our telling and acting of the Thanksgiving story.

Morah Risa

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