Thursday, October 2, 2014

Yonah and the Big Fish in KDH

Gail and I continue to watch and listen to the children and are awed by their creativity and imagination. Today we had such a "moment." ,,......
Before Yom Kippur we talk about the Haftorah reading of Yom Kippur afternoon, the story of Yonah, the prophet. The children can tell you the themes of the story, "You cannot run away from Hashem," and "We are forgiven if we regret our mistakes, resolve not to repeat them, and beseech Hashem for forgiveness."
As parent, Miriam Lipskier related, "I have seen many depictions of Yonah, from over the years. The one from this year is a new one. It's different!" Gail and I chose this version (from the Chinuch website) because it included a gift wrap/paper towel roll in it. The children are always using the ones in our art recycling tray, making all kinds of creations. We thought they'd enjoy this too. Looking through the rolls and seeing Yonah would be fun.

The children cut out the fish, dot painted with cork, pompoms and sponge brushes. Then they colored Yonah using color pencils and finally cut him out along the circle with special pointers. Next, we assembled Yonah in the big fish.
The children were very excited to look into the fish. They all peered inside and saw Yonah.
Motty took his fish and put it up to his ear. He said, "I am listening to Yonah davening!" Luba went on, "He's is asking Hashem to forgive him!" Great idea, Motty! 
What a fantastic way to use the "fish" and recall the story of Yonah.

Morah Ruth

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