Friday, October 24, 2014

Of Flowers, Kugels, Kiddush Cups and Shabbat

Our community Shabbat dinner  is tonight and this week we were busy preparing for it!  We discussed preparing for guests and how some of us  celebrate Shabbat.  It seems that food and being with family is what stands out the most,  and that is how we are celebrating it tonight too.  We chose to make a "Kugel" traditional shabbat food, or "kugela" as Jules pronounced it.  We hope our Kugel is delicious, we followed a detailed recipe with many steps and measurements to be considered.  Whenever we cook or bake we use the time to inquire, hypothesis and make predictions about different ingredients, how they will pour and even about what the purpose of a specific ingredient might be. 
We also designed and created sparkling kiddush cups which took a lot of concentration- how can I glue down my pattern without the glue dripping? How can I stick this piece on without smudging the work I just completed on the other side? Were some of the tricky details the children had to work out for themselves, with a friends advice or with input from Morah.  This all with the fine motor skills and hand eye coordination being strengthened. A wonderful project indeed!
Lastly you will see the most beautiful flower arrangements on the Shabbat table, truly befitting a special meal.  Those were all designed and put together by Kitah Gimmel with the help of Barbie, Reyn's Grandmother.  It is such a treat when our special people come into our classrooms to share their unique talents, of which Barbie has many. Than you!    We  first examined all the vase jars and matched them by sizes, we also closely examined all the different flowers using our senses of touched, smell and sight and discovered mums have strong scents!  "Don't forget the flowers need water!" our children don't forget the details. 
They all turned out beautiful thanks to the artistic eyes of our Kitah Gimel class!
We hope everyone has a wonderful Shabbat tonight!
Morah Risa and Morah Debby

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