Tuesday, April 8, 2014

KB Pesach Preparations and Hagadahs

In Kitah Bet we are preparing for Pesach in many ways.
We have cleaned our toys and classroom, we have learned lots of pesach songs including Mah Nishtana. We baked Matzah at the visiting Matzah Bakery, we have been mixing cement, building pyramids, taking care of Baby Moshe and lots more.
We put together a beautiful number Hagaddah which is coming home for Pesach, Please enjoy looking through it and talking about it with your child.

Here are some of the big ideas we have talking about together at school:

  • Slavery vs Freedom:
    King Paroh wanted big cities so he made the Jews become his slaves. A slave is when someone is forced to do the work and not given any choice in the matter. The Jewish people had to build big cities for Paroh, no questions asked! Even if they didn’t want to. How the Jews feel?  The Jewish people were so tired. Their bodies were hurting them and they were so sad.

    Hashem loves us and takes care of us just like a parent and when he saw how sad and tired the Jews were Hashem said, “I want to give the Jewish people the Torah. In the Torah they will learn how to do to good things.  They will learn all about the mitzvot.  They need to be free so that I can give them the Torah which they can follow.”
    And so Hashem told Moshe to go tell Paroh that it was time to let the Jewish people go. At first he didnt listen, he was stubborn, but then he let the Jews go free.
  • Baby Moshe
    We reenacted the story of Baby Moshe in the Nile River, with his sister Miriam watching him and the princess Batya finding him
  • Matzah
    When it was time to leave Egypt, Moshe said: “We are so excited to leave. Let’s rush. Quickly, quickly, quickly. Besides, we don’t want King Pharaoh to change his mind. We need food to eat on our travels. What kind of food can we make that takes only a short while to prepare? Let’s make Matzah.”
    The Jewish people took a bowl and quickly poured flour and water into it. They kneaded the dough and shaped it into a flat, round circle. But, instead of putting it into the oven to bake, since they are in such a rush, they put the matzah circles on their backs where the hot sun will bake it. 
  • The Seder:
    We have a Seder meal together with our family. We set the table just like we do for Shabbat and other holidays– candles, Kiddush, festive clothing, tablecloth, etc. But instead of Challah bread, we eat Matzah.
    Other items at the Seder:  the seder plate, the 4 cups of wine/grape juice to celebrate that we are free, the cup of Eliyahu, charoset to remind us about the cement the Jews used to build the cities, maror to remind us that it was hard to be a slave.
Some pictures of us working on our Hagadahs.

Morah Leah

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