Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Science experiment with melting ice in KG

Kitah Gimmel experimented with melting ice, what makes it melt? And how does ice melt the quickest? Here are some of their hypothesis before experimentation;

Cassidy: we can put something in our hands and then the ice will melt in it
Eli: we put it in hot food for a second
Kemp: put it in the refrigerator.
Laylah: put it on a plate.
Josie: you put it in a cereal bowl. 
Mina:put the ice on the floor.
Amitai: you take a heater and then the ice melt.
Ziva: you put it in the snow. 
Libi: you put it in a cup with water.
Bryna: hold it.
Adaya: put it in water and then wait for a long time.
Perly: you put it in a big cup.

Then we put colored ice in: Hot water,Cold water, Salt and Baby oil
the children sat and waited to see the result... the ice in the hot water melted first, then in the cold water, then in salt and then baby oil.  How interesting and fun. 

 morah Estee

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