Tuesday, February 25, 2014

KA: Shabbat Party

Each Friday in Kitah Alef we celebrate Shabbat with a  party. The children and the morahs dance and sing Shabbat songs. We want to impress upon the children, even at this age how joyous is the Shabbat. The children's eyes light up in delight when the morahs announce that its time for the party! They run to the chairs at the tables in anticipation of whats to come.When the morahs began to sing the songs, the children all join in. After the children have joined hands and sing, they get their cup of  grape juice. After the blessings have been said, everyone drinks up!
Our favorite song to sing is:

The shabbos angels are peeking through my windows Ema's lighting candles and Aba is going to shul
(Sing Twice)
Shabbat shalom...to every one of you

Shabbos is coming we're so happy we're going to sing and shout out loud! Six days a week we wait for shabbos a gift from Hashem and
were so proud!
Let's sing together, shabbos!
Whisper together, shabbos
Let's shout together, shabbos !!
Tell it to the world Shabbos!

Hannah drinking grape juice at the Shabbat Party.

 Morah Mushky leads the class in Shabbat songs and fingerplays.

The children love to join in on the songs and finger plays.

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