Sunday, December 8, 2013

Potato and Carrot Math

On Friday morning the KDH children were ready to cut up and roast the potatoes for Shabbat party that we had dug up from our garden earlier in the week. Then, what a fantastic surprise! Dovi brought in a HUGE carrot that his father found in the Farmers' Market. We quickly got two typically sized carrots (thank you Morah Leah) and added that to our vegetables. We put out a balance scale, tape measure, and magnifying glass and were ready to compare and contrast the different sized potatoes and carrots.
Look at what the children did. They measured the length and circumference of the carrots and the potatoes.They counted the potatoes. We had 13! Our best potato harvest yet. Then they lined up the potatoes from largest to smallest. Comparing the size and weight of some of the potatoes was not obvious. The children put them on the balance scale and looked to see which side of the scale dipped. 

Dovi and Jonah noticed that the carrot had lines going around it. They looked at it carefully under the magnifying glass. "Why does it have lines," they asked. We will explore that further and keep you posted.

Finally, we roasted the potatoes and enjoyed both the carrots and potatoes at Shabbat party.

Morah Ruth

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