Friday, December 6, 2013

Extended Day -Ivrit Class

Each Tuesday in The Extended Day Program Morah Estee teaches the Ivrit class using Montessori  methods. This includes using games, songs, and fun activities to teach the children. Please see the varying trays and activities that the children are engaging with.  


Laylah uses the dreidels to make the letters.

Max, transfers the cubes (with Hebrew letters on them) from one bowl to the other. He also told the Morah what letters were on the blocks.

Mina, played a Chanukah game and matched the first letter of each word.

Jonah and Dovi  uses colored Popsicle sticks and wooden blocks to form letters that they have learned in their Ivrit class.

Mia uses the worksheet as a guide to make her letter with the cubes.

Dovi, uses the letter cards to review the letters that he has already learned.

Jonah LOVES to trace his Ivrit letters each week, he enjoys sharing his work with his Morah 

Alex, made an Aleph using small colored cubes.

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