Thursday, April 18, 2013

Letter to Children in Kiev

IJP held a coat drive in the fall and KDH collected coats and money to send to children in Kiev. (see blog) They wrote us  back a letter and sent us pictures.

KDH talked about what we might send back. We walked to Richard's Variety Store and bought color pencils. We composed the following letter.
Dear Friends:
Thank you for sending us a letter and for your pictures. It is now Spring in Atlanta and it is warm outside. We just celebrated Pesach.
“I sang the Mah Nishtana in front of the whole shul.”  Menny
“We like Spring. I planted tomatoes, peppers, cucumber and zucchini.”  Einav
“I went to England for Pesach.”  Theo
“I like painting flowers and butterflies in the Spring.” Kira
“We made a zoo out of blocks with a pond, in our classroom.” Ari
“We ate chocolate covered Matzah.” Isaac
“I stayed home for Pesach and ate Matzah. I missed my friends at school.” Ana Chaya
“I hid the Afikomen.” Benjamin
“My daddy hid the Afikomen.” “I helped my Mommy set the table.” Nessia
“We went to Florida with my cousins, Bubbe and Zaidy.” Mendel
“We went to my Nana’s house for the Seder.” Esther
“We dig for worms outside.” AmaraLia

We painted a picture of a butterfly for you. We walked to the store and bought you color pencils. We hope you enjoy drawing with them.

Kitah Daled Hey, Your Friends at Intown Jewish Preschool, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Thank you to Judith Hodara taking care of mailing the letter and pencils to our friends.

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