Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sensory Experience: Flour + Water

With the visit from the Matzah Factory last week, we noticed how much the children enjoyed handling the flour and water. Building upon that enjoyment, the teachers in Kitah Gimmel created an enriching outdoor play invitation- the sensory bin filled with whole wheat flour, set atop a platform.

In half groups, the children approached the flour bin, first relishing the feel of the dry texture as they combed their fingers through it. Next, the teacher added water, transforming the experience into something gooey and playful. The squeals and singing of the children as they churn the flour and water together are evidence of the deep enjoyment of this sensory play.

As with typical Reggio-inspired activities, this is not about reaching a predetermined end, but about what can be gained along the journey. Children learn the properties of flour and water- what can it do? What can't it do? As they are busy at work, they are also making connections. Perhaps the goop reminds them of a song, a rhyme, an experience, or another substance that shares its qualities.

The teacher creates a visually pleasing invitation, and the learning emerges from the child's actions upon the materials. As they press, squeeze, and mix the sticky goop, we can observe the experimenting and predicting that is taking place, good mind skills that we want children to develop.

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