Friday, March 1, 2013

One Hundredth Day of School

KDH has been counting, quite literally for 100 days, since the first day of school in August. All week long we spent time counting as the excitement mounted. Today we celebrated!
At circle time we estimated how many clementines came in the bag. One day we put manipulatives in piles of five. How many piles did we need to reach 100? We love to count by 10’s to 100. The teen numbers are a bit tricky but we are mastering them using our Montessori math set.
Everyone came in today with their Show and Tell of 100. We had 100 stickers, pieces of lego, pompoms, pennies, pictures of cars, cheerios, and magnets.  The question on our morning board was, “How many days have you come to school?”
Center time: Menny and Mendel made ten piles of ten pieces of Lego to reach 100. Then, they built a structure out them!

Art: Each child chose from foam flowers, sticky note flowers, colored squares, sequins, toothpicks and more to place ten of each on circles that were marked 10, 20, 30…to 100. After the counting came the art. Each child made a 100 day collage with their collection.  100 day glasses was another fun art activity.

Music with Morah Adina: Songs about numbers, using a rain stick that definitely had more 100 pieces inside to make noise.
Snack:  Trail mix the children made with ten pieces of ten foods. Yum! Great party.

Science: We took out various sized jars, water and a dropper. “What size jar to you think we need for 100 drops?” was the question posed. We were all surprised that the smallest baby food jar was even too big. The drops all fit on one plastic teaspoon.

Movement: Can you jump 100 times? How far can you go with 100 steps?
Literacy: The 100th Day of School and this poem by Meish Goldish.

100 dogs, 100 cats,
100 heads for 100 hats.
100 women, 100 men,
100's more than 5 or 10.
100 buttons, 100 coats,
100 sails for 100 boats.
100 cookies, 100 cakes
100 kids with bellyaches!
100 shoes, 100 socks,
100 keys for 100 locks.
100 puddles mighty dirty,
100's even more than 30.
100 daughters, 100 sons,
100 franks on 100 buns.
100 trees, 100 plants,
100 picnics, 100 ants!
100 is a lot to count,
100 is a LARGE AMOUNT!
100 kisses, 100 hugs,
100 bats, 100 bugs.
100 bees, 100 birds,
This poem has 100 words!
Even Tefilla was part of the 100th day activities. We took 100 pennies, divided them among the class and gave them for tzedakah. We want to think of others while we are having fun.
We ended our day putting our hands into a circle of 100 fingers.

This was so fantastic, we really should have celebrated for 100 hours!

Morah Ruth

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