Monday, January 14, 2013

Noah Built a BIG Ark!

Morah Goldie gets silly and shows how the dove flew back to Noah with an olive branch in its mouth

Today in Kitah Alef Bet, we heard the story of Noah's ark. Morah Goldie told us that Noah and his wife were good people, and God told Noah to build a giant ship called an ark because a flood is coming. God also told Noah to put two of each animal on the ark. Noah and his family and animals sailed along for a while until finding land, thanks to a helpful dove. A rainbow appeared in the sky to assure Noah that God won't send a flood like that ever again.

"Here are Noah and Nava. They are good, kind people."
 After lunch, we re-told the story using toys and the water table.

"God said, find two of each animal and put them on the ark."

"The rain started to fall from the sky."

Then we played with the Noah's ark toy, filling the ark with water, watching it sink, then emptying it and starting over again. We also matched the plastic animals and snapped them together.

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