Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Yaakov and Eisav - Twins But Opposites

A favorite song from Morah Sarah Carter's CD, a chant that the children love to sing. After singing, we continue our Parsha discussion. What are some opposites that KDH thought of? Big and small, day and night, cold and warm, smooth and rough and the list goes on. We also play an opposite matching game with many many more....
Every week we try to prepare a Shabbat party snack that relates to the Parsha. Benjamin suggested we make a lentil soup like Yaakov cooked. But, we are the soup chefs for the grandparents feast. Mendel S. thought smoothies would be a great snack. The children suggested we make them with strawberries, bananas and mango. Yum! Morah Ruth presented a challenge. Explain how soup and smoothies are opposites and then we can have smoothies for shabbat party. After much discussion we found the answer! The soup is made from vegetables, the smoothie from fruit. What else? The soup is served hot and the smoothies, we like cold!
Looks like we might need to visit Trader Joe's once again...

By Morah Ruth - KDH

1 comment:

  1. Smoothies sounds like a great idea and a visit to Trader Joes is always exciting.
