Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Coats to Kiev

The weather is colder and children are wearing their warm jackets. But, KDH was thinking about cold weather and keeping warm weeks ago when it was still very warm in Atlanta, Georgia. Morah Dena came in and spoke with us about the children at the Simcha School in Kiev. Morah Dena held up the globe and showed us where Kiev is. She continued, “At the Simcha School in Kiev, there are children just like you who go to school. Only their parents do not have money to buy them new clothing. It is also very cold there. What can we do?“  Theo said, “I have old coats in my house that don’t fit me anymore.”  Benjamin was worried, “What if I was one of those children?” The children agreed that collecting coats to send to the Simcha School would be wonderful. The discussion turned to how we would get them to Kiev, which is so far away. “We need an airplane,” a few children chimed in together. Morah Dena suggested that we collect tzedakah to pay for the postage. Menny brought in two of his tzedakah boxes from home and contributed the money. Nessia also brought in money. Our class collects tzedakah each day before tefilla and earmarked the money for sending the coats. KDH sat down together and wrote a letter to send with the coats. Thank you to Judith for packing up and mailing the coats. KDH, your caring an d kindness  should be an example for all of us.

What project should we embark on now?

By Morah Ruth - KDH

1 comment:

  1. Maybe a toy drive for the preschool decimated by storm sandy
