Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Rosh Hashana Reflections

Kitah Daled Hey came back after Rosh Hashana with so much to share with each other.

Ari: I dipped the apple in the honey and I used my honey dish.
Nessia: We dipped round challah into honey, too.
Theo: I heard the shofar blown at shul.
Isaac: We went to shul and were listening to Hashem. We read from the Torah and heard the shofar.
Mendel S.: I went to Tashlich at Piedmont Park and threw bread into the water. Nessia:  A lot of people went.  Menny: There were ducks in the water.  Mendel T.: We saw a dog at Tashlich.
Menny: We had guests at our house.
Benjamin: We went to a family service. I asked the Rabbi a question. He told me I had to ask my parents that question because it was so hard.
Einav: My Mommy bought me a pink dress with orange squares and a pink bow on the front. We dipped apple into honey.
Mendel T.: I learned how to blow my Tatty’s shofar.
Esther: My Nana visited. My mommy gave me a honey stick.
Nessia: We went to the hospital to blow the shofar but could not get in. People were standing on the sidewalk. We gave them honey sticks and blew the shofar for them.
Menny: We got Rosh Hashana cards with a treat in them, from our counselors.
Mendel S.: We ate fish. It was yummy!
Ari: I went to shul and heard the shofar.
Benjamin: We went to my cousins and we voted on which apple we liked best, like what we did at school.
Mendel T.: It was raining yesterday and the tent at shul was leaking! There was huge puddle and everyone ran inside.    I got a new Yarmulka and tzitzit.
Einav, Nessia and Menny: We ate the seeds of a pomegranate. 
Einav: Dessert was honey cake that my Mom made and the honey cake we baked in school.

By Morah Ruth - KDH

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