Friday, November 8, 2013

KG Scavenger Nature Walk

It is fall all around us and there are so many parts of fall that we want to discover and interact with.  Some things we notice on our own and some our Morah's want us to find.  Going to IJP and being on a street that has sidewalks allows us to take walks.  To this end our Morah's took us on a scavenger hunt- sort of like a squirrel in the fall time.  We went equipped with a bingo marker, a piece of paper as our pictorial guide and our eyes and ears wide open for sights and sounds of fall.  Each item on our list that we found, we marked off.  We found grass, tall and short trees, leaves, a bird or two, flowers, acorns, a branch and more.  We also looked for variety in colors.  This was an adventure in every sense, we got outside, and had a really fun experience with friends in the great outdoors all on foot.  

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