Friday, November 8, 2013

KB- Music Class Fun!

Each week in Kitah Bet, Morah Adina comes and leads and engaging music class. The children have a chance to jump, play, dance, and more! The children have an opportunity to use musical instruments like bells and egg shakers as they sing songs with their Morahs!

The music class is very interactive. It not only involves the children, but the Morahs join in on the fun!

Morah Adina demonstrates to the children how to play the bells on their different body parts.

Morah Adina also incorporates scarves into the class. The children toss them in the air as they dance with. They love to play peek-a-boo with the scarves as well!

Music time in Kitah Bet is a magical experience for the children and the Morahs each week. We smile, clap, and dance as we sing Judaic and seasonal songs. Learning new songs and dancing with our friends is on of our special highlights of each week.

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