Thursday, September 1, 2016

It's already Fall in KB-5

The start of the school year also signals the start of the season of fall, which was very apparent in our outdoor classroom this week. The children noticed that leaves were falling off the trees, and repeatedly pointed up to the trees saying "Look, the leaves are falling off the trees!" 
We discussed how in the spring and summer the trees get very green and full of leaves and flowers, and then in the fall the leaves start to change colors and fall off the trees, which then makes the trees bare in the winter. We also sang the season's song, telling us about all the seasons:

"In winter we see snow
in spring the flowers grow
in summer days are hot and we go swimming
in fall the leaves turn red, gold, and orange, and brown
Hashem makes all the seasons come around.
Winter, spring, summer, and fall
Winter, spring, summer, and fall."

The children also noticed that there were lots of leaves already on the ground all around us, and their imaginations got to work. Some of the children started jumping and stepping on the leaves and listening to the lovely crunching sound it was making. 
Others decided to take a pile of leaves and throw the leaves up around them.

The children then decided to collect leaves, and create one big leaf pile! They worked together, each child collecting leaves and adding them to the pile. They then took turns jumping into the leaf pile!

The next day, winter was brought into Kitah Bet as well! While playing in the sandbox, Rafi and Eli L took their strainers and shovels, started to pour out the sand, and said, "Look Morah, it's snowing!"

Fall is just getting started and we're already having so much fun! We can't wait to see what more fun we can have with fall, and how else we can explore, imagine and discover with it.

Morah Estee and Morah Leah

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