We are always looking for different ways for the children to express themselves through art and have a variety of experiences. I recently visited another preschool and was looking through their art supplies and artwork. Most of what they had was familiar to me. Then, I found something new!
Solid Tempera Paints.
These paints are solid, come in a tube and glide on easily. ("Almost like lipstick," is what Morah Sara Carter remarked, after seeing them.) The colors are vibrant and can be layered. They dry almost immediately, so there is no need to use a spray to set, like certain pastels.
We purchased them for our class, and set them aside to use after Pesach break for the April
Self portraits.
Look at how engaged the children are in this activity!
We are sure you will agree with us that the results are fantastic!
Morah Ruth
Looks Like a wonderful new way to paint!