Sunday, October 14, 2012

Books We're Talking About: NurtureShock

Faculty at IJP meet regularly throughout the year to discuss our teaching experiences and share our plans.  As part of our commitment to teacher reflection and professional development, each month we discuss a book at our faculty meetings. This month, the book happens to be a very parenting centered one, that also deals with hot topics in education and child care in general. NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman is different from other books in its category in that every idea is backed by conclusive scientific research and studies.

In the spirit of sharing, we wanted to post this video of Katie Couric conducting an interview with one of the book's writers: Ashley Merryman and Liz Gumbinner, writer for

Whether you agree or disagree with their ideas about praise, IQ tests, and competition, discussion of these important topics is a pathway to improving ourselves and our teaching practices. Enjoy!

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