Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Beautiful Daffoldils . . . Beautiful Weather . . . and What a Beautiful School!

      On a perfect day, we took a perfect mini-trip.  We went outside bright and early, before our scheduled recess time.  We had noticed the beautiful daffodils the day before.  Now it was the time to go outside in small groups of only four at a time, to enjoy the weather and our newly-blossomed flowers.  Some of us went to the area opposite the bridge, some of us went curbside.  Daffodils are everywhere!

We are ready with our clip boards.  Sam says, "I made a bunch!"
Ari and Noa relax outside before getting to work.  Ari tells us that the flowers smell good.

We like this pic of Sam hard at work because it's such a perfect snapshot:  the background is oh-so-urban, the foreground is all about the beauty of nature.  We love our school's location! 

Leiba stops for a minute to think and plan.

Pearl, Ari and Noa (below) change their positions to try different views.  Ari is curious about the tissue-like base of each flower. Pearl exclaims, "I can't do it!  I need more paper!"  She's disappointed in her first attempt. We turn the paper over, and there's a new space to try once again.
Henia, Ari, Levi and Leiba get settled and begin their illustrations.  Levi points to the daffodil stem:  Look, he tells us, they're sticks!

We scooted in and out of the flower bed carefully.  We wanted to experience the flowers up close.


 Shlomit concentrates on her artwork (above), while Yoni, Shaya and Rami (below) work diligently.  Rami tells us about his own daffodils:  "I have so many outside my house!"  Yoni says the flowers look like giants.  Shlomit is impressed with our sketching pens--they are so black!

      Shaya inspects the daffodils.  He wanted to get a closer look-see, so he handled the petals carefully.   We're three and four years-old, so touching is a very important way for us to learn and experience life.

      (below) Reed, Hannah and Ruthie work on their illustrations.

      Look carefully--the moon is out, even though it's morning!  Izzy brought it to our attention.  Reed lets us know that he needs a few more minutes to work.

     Izzy tells us to look at the moon.  Hannah wants to know where is it.  Everyone looks up. Ruthie looks at the moon and tells us a mini-joke:  It's almost time for nappy time!

     Later in the day, we selected colored pencils in shades of green and yellow.  It was time to add color to our illustrations.  When finished with our pencils, we used our color palettes and our brushes to include an additional pop of color.
     While we were working, we noticed Kitah Dalet-Hey peeking out their windows and tapping on the glass.  They were looking at us!  We had such a good time enjoying the sunshine, the flowers, and waving a hello at our older friends. Such a grand way to spend the morning!

Enjoying the warm weather,
Morah Susan, Morah Yael and the Kitah Gimmel Yeledim

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