Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Purim Kitah Alef

This week we filled our painted containers with popcorn kernels, rice, beans and pine cones. We added fun Purim stickers to make beautiful and loud Groggers.

 The children worked carefully to remove the stickers and place them on their very own Groggers. Sometimes the Morahs had to help.
 We also made puppets out of toilet paper rolls, colorful yarn, pom poms, and glue.
 Caleb: "I made a puppet!" (Holding up puppet) "It's big!" Morah: "How did you make it Caleb?" Caleb: "I made it go round and round."
 Tehila:(Holding up Puppet and pointing to orange string) "Orange!"
 Sammy knew exactly how she wanted her string placed on her puppet. Sammy: "Right here!"

 We wanted to give the children the experience of making a scroll just like Megillat Esther. We had a large sheet of paper and painted on it with feathers and black ink. The children dipped the feather carefully into the ink and made big and small lines and shapes of every kind on the scroll.

Happy Purim and Chag Sameach from Kitah Alef!!!

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