Setting up the classroom is an involved experience. Sure, it’s
a lot of fun, but at the same time many hours of work and thought are involved.
Furniture is moved around again and again as we calculate the best use of space
and try to make the classroom as inviting and aesthetically pleasing as possible.
We carefully choose toys that we feel are developmentally
appropriate and engaging for the children; these fill the baskets and shelves. We
bring in natural, household and sensory items to provoke the children’s
interest and for them to explore, express themselves through, and experience.
All of this is put to the test as the children enter…
It was a joy to watch the children come in to the classroom
today and quickly find an area of interest. Some chose the trains and blocks, some
the dramatic play area, some the art, and some the manipulatives. The wonderful
words we heard repeatedly from parents were “I think ________ will do fine.”
I know for some children the hard part is still to come. Separating
from Mommy and or Daddy is hard. (I have been there myself, although in
my case I think it was harder for me to say goodbye to my child than vice versa
– yes, I am one of those. :) But I hope that after today you feel assured, knowing that your child is in a
warm, loving, child centered environment. And we are here to do whatever we can
to help you and your child acclimate as smoothly as possible.
By Leah Sollish
Kitah Bet